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Apple Crumble Overnight Oats

Apple Crumble Overnight Oats

You know what they say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! But who says breakfast needs to be just in the morning? Take your breakfast on the go, or even enjoy it for lunch with these super simple overnight oats! Just like eating apple crumple! We spruced our oats up with some homemade apple sauce, crunchy peanut butter granola crumble, and cinnamon apple rings - like a little, homemade dessert in your lunch box!

Throw out the sandwich and be inspired for your lunch! Visit Takenaka to find this recipe and more, all created to fit perfectly in their bento boxes and bowls!


Overnight Oats

Serves 2


200g rolled oats 

200g oat milk - we used grams to make it easier

1 grated apple 

1 tbsp lemon juice mixed with 2 tbsp water

½ tsp cinnamon

1 handful sultanas


  1. Grate the apple and mix straight away into the lemon and water to prevent it from turning brown. 

  2. For a quick lunch with next to no washing up, place all of the remaining ingredients (along with the apple and water mix) straight into the bento bowl (or a bowl with lid) and mix until thoroughly combined. 

  3. Leave the oats to soak overnight in the fridge.


Granola Peanut Butter Crumble Topping


  1. Place all of the ingredients into a bowl and mix well - spread the mix evenly onto a baking tray and place into an oven preheated to 150°c, bake for 90-120 minutes.

  2. Halfway through cooking, take the tray out and gently press down on the granola for bigger clusters.

  3. Leave them to cool before breaking apart any larger clumps. They can be stored in an airtight container for up to a week.


200g rolled oats

40g peanut butter 

70g coconut oil

2tbsp honey (or sweetener of your choice) 

10 almonds - roughly chopped

1 tbsp mixed seeds

½ tsp cinnamon

Sea salt flakes to taste


Apple Rings


  1. Core the apple and slice into very thin rings (we used a mandolin). Place the rings directly into the lemon juice and water mix to prevent the apple browning.

  2. Pat the apple dry using a clean tea towel and place on a baking tray so that each slice is separate. 

  3. Sprinkle lightly with cinnamon and bake in the oven at 100°c for 90 minutes, turning at 30 minute intervals during cooking.


1 large eating apple

1 tbsp lemon juice mixed with 2 tbsp water

1 tsp cinnamon


Apple Sauce


  1. Mix the lemon juice and apple juice into a small saucepan. 

  2. Peel, core and chop the apples and add to the pan. 

  3. Simmer on a low heat until the fruit is soft, then place in a food processor or liquidiser and blitz until it’s completely puréed.


3 medium eating apples 

1 tbsp lemon juice

100 ml apple juice

Pesto, Feta and Spinach Bread Twists

Pesto, Feta and Spinach Bread Twists

Jerky and Cheese Tear and Share Bread with Garlic Mayo and Jerky dip

Jerky and Cheese Tear and Share Bread with Garlic Mayo and Jerky dip