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Caramel Eclair Ring

Caramel Eclair Ring

We created this decadent caramel eclair ring to celebrate our 5,000 followers on Instagram! We just had to mark the milestone with something showstopping! It’s a deliciously over-the-top sweet treat that makes a great alternative to cakes or other desserts.

This choux pastry wreath is filled with caramel and freshly whipped cream, and topped with a delightfully rich ganache (and as it was Easter when we made it, we threw plenty of chocolate eggs and bunnies on there too!).

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150g butter or Margarine

450ml water 

200g plain flour

5 eggs beaten together

Cream Filling

350ml double cream 

2 tbsp icing sugar

Caramel Filling

396g tin Condensed milk - Caramalised by placing in a pan, cover with water and boil for 3 hours. NOTE: DO NOT OPEN UNTIL COOL

Chocolate Topping 

250g plain chocolate

30g butter


  1. Prepare 2 36cm round baking trays by lining with baking parchment 

  2. Melt butter or margarine in a heavy based saucepan over a gentle heat - add the water and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat and quickly add the flour in one go, beat well with a wooden spoon until the mixture leaves the side of the saucepan clean. Leave to cool slightly.

  3. Add the beaten eggs a little at a time,  beating well between each addition using either an electric hand whisk or a wooden spoon. 

  4. Spoon the mixture into a piping bag with a ½ inch nozzle or if using a disposable bag with the end cut off to create a ½ inch hole. Pipe a circle starting approx 5cm from the outside edge of the baking tray following the shape of the tray to create a large ring. You should use half of the mixture when creating the ring. Repeat using the second tray so you have 2 rings

  5. Place in a preheated hot oven 200c for 25-30 minutes until crisp and golden brown. Make 4 small slits around each eclair ring to allow steam to escape - cool on a wire rack. 

Constructing the Eclair Ring

  1. Whisk cream with icing sugar until soft peaks are formed - take care not to over whisk or the cream will start to turn to butter. 

  2. Place one eclair ring topside down on a serving plate. Reserve 2 tbsp of the caramel Spread evenly around the eclair ring. Either pipe or spoon the cream on top of the caramel. Place the second eclair ring on top of the cream - bottom side down. 

Chocolate Topping 

  1. Melt chocolate and butter in a bowl over a pan of hot water and mix well - pour evenly over the top of the eclair ensuring it is covered all the way round. 

  2. Heat the remaining 2 spoons of caramel reserved from earlier. Pipe or drip in a criss-cross pattern over the eclair. 

  3.  Decorate for Easter using chocolate eggs or bunnies and spun sugar

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