

Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find most of our recipes featured on our instagram. Hope you have a nice stay!

Hot Dog Rolls

Hot Dog Rolls

These cute little bread rolls are our play on traditional hot dogs! With a chipolata sausage and a slice of delicious melty american cheese in each bun. these are just perfect for lunch! They’re great for sharing at parties and BBQs in the summer sun - fun for kids and adults alike!




750g strong plain bread flour

2 tsp salt

60g sugar

90g butter

20g dried active yeast

450ml milk - warmed to hand temperature (tepid)


12 chipolata sausages 

12 slices american burger cheese

Topping (optional)

1 tsp garlic paste 

20g melted butter 

Tomato ketchup and american burger mustard


  1. Combine the sugar and yeast into the warm milk and mix well - leave for 15 minutes until the yeast starts to bloom and the liquid turns frothy. 

  2. Sift together the flour and salt into the bowl of a table top mixer.

  3. Melt the butter and add to the flour, along with the milk and yeast mix.

  4. Knead with a dough hook for 5 minutes. This can also be done by hand, if you don’t have a mixer. Knead the dough for 6 to 8 minutes, until the dough is smooth. 

  5. Place the dough in a floured bowl, cover with cling film and leave in a warm place to prove until it has doubled in size - for roughly 1 hour. 

  6. In the meantime, cook the chipolatas on a low heat, taking care not to let them brown too much. When cool cut each one in half.

  7. Slice the cheese squares in half diagonally so that each square gives you two triangles. You will have 24 sausage pieces and 24 cheese triangles.

  8. Wrap each sausage in a piece of cheese and set aside. 

  9. When the dough is ready, tip it out onto a lightly floured surface. Knock it back lightly and then divide it in half.

  10. Roll each half into a log shape and divide each into 12 pieces, so that you have 24 pieces of dough. 

  11. Take a piece of dough and gently roll into a rectangular strip measuring 14cm by 5cm.

  12. Take a cheese wrapped sausage and with the flat cut end on the long edge, wrap the dough around the sausage.

  13. Cover a large round pizza tray with parchment paper, and put the sausage-wrapped dough in the middle, keeping the sausage flat-edge down. Repeat with the remaining sausage and dough pieces, placing them in a circle just slightly apart to allow for a second prove. 

  14. Cover loosely with cling film and leave for their second prove - roughly 30-40 minutes, until they are nearly doubled in size. 

  15. Place in a preheated oven at 190°c for 25-30 minutes, or until they are golden brown. 

  16. Mix garlic paste with melted butter and brush over the top before serving, drizzled in ketchup and American mustard (optional) .

Best Ever Chocolate Cake

Best Ever Chocolate Cake

Chicken Tikka Masala

Chicken Tikka Masala