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Indian Spiced Cauliflower Soup

Indian Spiced Cauliflower Soup

Cauliflower’s are such versatile vegetables, they go so well in everything and with all flavours! Cauliflower cheese, cauliflower rice, cauliflower soup, the list is endless and that’s why we love it so much! We’ve always loved our soups and cauliflower has always been in the rotation, but we thought it would be a fun idea to spice things up - literally!

This soup features all the warming, curry flavours that are guaranteed to bring you comfort on those cold Autumn or Winter days. Hope you enjoy it!



1 large cauliflower

1 large potato

1 medium onion

2 cloves of garlic - crushed

20g butter

2 tsp ground cumin 

2 tsp garam masala

2 tsp coriander 

½ tsp chilli powder (more if you like it hot)

½ tsp turmeric

½ tsp ground ginger

2 vegetable stock pots/cubes

1ltr water

200ml single cream

salt and pepper to taste

To Garnish

cumin seeds

cauliflower florets

olive oil


A little butter


  1. Heat half the butter in a large saucepan over medium heat and cook the onion until soft.  Add garlic, ginger, chilli, cumin, coriander, garam masala and turmeric. Cook for two minutes while stirring. 

  2. Remember to keep 2 cauliflower florets for garnishing, then add remaining cauliflower and potato to the onion mixture. Add the water and stock pots/cubes and bring to the boil. 

  3. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 20 mins, or until cauliflower is tender. 

  4. Using a blender/hand blender - blend the soup mix until smooth then add cream and stir to combine. Season to taste with salt and pepper

To Garnish

  1. Melt the butter in a pan to gently fry the cauliflower garnish 

  2. Serve in a bowl - top with fried cauliflower pieces, a sprinkle of cumin seeds, a pinch of turmeric and a drizzle of oil.

Blueberry Muffins

Blueberry Muffins

Deliciously Creamy Chicken, Ham and Leek Pie

Deliciously Creamy Chicken, Ham and Leek Pie