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Spicy Mexican Soup

Spicy Mexican Soup

We love our soups, here! There’s nothing quite like sitting down all cosy inside in the winter especially when it’s windy, rainy and horribly cold outside - which happened a lot this year! So that’s why this spicy Mexican soup was our go-to lunch for the whole of winter this year. It’s creamy, rich and so so warming - add some more chilli powder if you need a spicier punch for those colder days! We toasted our own tortilla chips to add a little extra crunch - so tasty!



20g butter

1 stick of celery - chopped

1 onion - chopped

2 garlic cloves - crushed

2 medium carrots - chopped

1 red pepper - chopped

1 vegetable stock cube/ stock pot

400ml water 

150g sweetcorn - tinned or frozen 

200g black beans (half a can) plus a few beans for garnish

2 tsp smoked paprika

1 tsp chilli powder

1 tsp ground cumin

1 can chopped tomatoes

salt and ground black pepper to  taste

To Garnish

1 tsp vegetable oil mixed with ¼ tsp paprika 

sour cream

black beans

fresh coriander 


  1. Melt the butter in a large pan - gently cook the onion and garlic until sort. Add the chilli, cumin and paprika and cook for 1 minute. 

  2. Add the water, stock pot/cube, celery, carrots, pepper and potato mix well and bring to boil - reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes. 

  3. Add the sweetcorn, beans (reserving some for garnish) and tomatoes - return to simmer and cook for 3-4 mins. 

  4. Using a hand blender or liquidiser blend the soup till smooth. 

  5. If required, season with salt and pepper to taste

  6. Pour in a bowl, add a few of the reserved black beans and garnish with a drizzle of the oil and paprika mix, sour cream and coriander.

Smoked Haddock Kedgeree

Smoked Haddock Kedgeree

Cinnamon Twist Wreath

Cinnamon Twist Wreath