

Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find most of our recipes featured on our instagram. Hope you have a nice stay!



Khachapuri is a new bake for us! A delciously crisp baked bread that’s traditionally filled with copious amounts of cheese - what’s not to love? Originally from Georgia, they’re just perfect for warming yourself up on cold days: warm, plenty of cheese, and carbs - is this the perfect comfort food?




2 tsp dried active yeast

1 ½  tsp salt 

1 tbsp sugar

480g plain flour

240 mls water (warm)

110 mls milk (warm)

1tbsp sunflower oil 


140g cheddar cheese - grated 

140g feta - crumbled 

1 ball mozzarella - grated

4 spring onions - finely chopped 

½ tsp freshly ground black pepper 

120g chopped cooked ham 

Egg for washing the edges of the dough


  1. In a table top mixer mix all the ingredients, except the oil, and mix/knead  with a dough hook until smooth and elastic. Add the oil and mix/knead for a further minute.

  2. Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl and cover with cling film - leave in a warm place to prove for about an hour - until doubled in size. 

  3. Prepare the cheese filling by mixing all the ingredients together in a bowl

  4. Gently knock back the dough with fingers - cover again and leave to rest for a further 30 mins. 

  5. Place the dough on a lightly floured surface and divide into 4 large or 5 smaller pieces. Mould each piece of dough into a circle approx 22cm. Roll the edges of the circle inwards and twist each end together to form a boat shape.

  6. Place on a baking sheet lined with greaseproof paper - repeat with the rest of the dough balls.

  7. Fill each boat with the cheese mixture - dividing it equally. Brush sides with egg

  8. Cook in a preheated oven (220C) for 15 mins until golden brown - serve immediately - note take care as the cheese will be hot

Jamaican Patties

Jamaican Patties