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Chilli Cheese Bread Rolls

Chilli Cheese Bread Rolls

Here’s something fun and delicious to make with that last little bit of chilli that always sits in the fridge! These bread rolls are perfect eaten warm and soft, straight from the oven - or even enjoyed as a picnic snack as an accompaniment to some other tasty dishes!

Makes 8 rolls



500g strong plain bread flour

10g salt

1  tsp sugar

20g fresh yeast (2 tsp dried yeast)

50g butter - melted

190ml warm water

100ml warm milk


leftover chilli con carne (approx 8 tbsp)

1 ball mozzarella cheese


  1. Mix the sugar and yeast into the lukewarm milk and water and leave for 5 - 10 minutes until frothy

  2. Put the flour, salt, yeast and melted butter into the bowl of a stand up mixer if using, or a large mixing bowl if you’re working by hand. Add the yeast liquid and knead together thoroughly for 3-5 mins until the dough is soft and pliable

    If making by hand, combine the liquids and flour mixture together, then tip the dough onto a floured worktop and knead for 5-8 minutes.

  3. Once thoroughly combined, soft and pliable, place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl and cover with cling film, then leave in a warm place to prove for 1 hour or until doubled in size. 

  4. When the dough has finished proving, tip it out gently onto a lightly floured surface. Knock back the dough, lightly knead for 2 mins, then cover with a tea towel and leave to rest for 5 minutes.

  5. Divide the dough into 8 equal balls, then flatten each ball into a 6-8 inch circle. Moisten the outside edge of each circle with water.

  6. Place a slice of mozzarella in the centre of each dough circle and top with a tablespoon of chilli con carne, making sure to leave an edge all around the circle. 

  7. Gather up the dough over the filling to meet in the middle. Pinch the edges together to seal, adding more water if needed. 

  8. Turn the bun over so that the sealed side is on the bottom and then place on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. 

  9. Lay a sheet of cling film loosely on top of the buns and leave to rise until doubled in size (roughly 30-40 mins) 

  10. Bake at 200°c for 12 - 15 minutes until golden brown 

  11. Top each bun with a sliced jalapeno halfway through cooking (optional)

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