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Broccoli and Cheese Stuffed Chicken Parcels

Broccoli and Cheese Stuffed Chicken Parcels

These chicken parcels are so moist and full of flavour - and full to the brim with gooey, cheesy goodness! Especially with the added broccoli, which adds such a freshness to the dish. We served the chicken with some crunchy potato wedges, which were just perfect for mopping up the last of the juices on the plate. Yum!



5 - 6 large chicken breasts - skinless

Salt and pepper to taste

1 tsp smoked paprika 


250g cream cheese 

100g cheddar cheese - grated 

½ tsp cracked black pepper

1 tsp mixed herbs 

150g broccoli florets ( small into small heads) 

1 clove garlic minced

3 tbsp oil for cooking the chicken breast


  1. Heat your oven to 180°c 

  2. Using a sharp knife, create a pocket in the chicken by cutting along the edge of the breast towards the middle, taking care not to cut completely through to make a space for the stuffing. Repeat with each chicken breast. 

  3. In a bowl, mix together the cream cheese, grated cheese, broccoli, garlic and pepper.

  4. Divide the mix between each of the chicken breasts and fill each pocket.

  5. Secure the seam on every piece of chicken with cocktail sticks, then season each breast with smoked paprika, salt and pepper to taste. 

  6. Heat the oil in a large skillet pan, gently place each chicken breast in the pan and cook for 3 minutes on both sides. 

  7. After that, place the pan into the oven and cook for 15 - 20 minutes (until the chicken is cooked through).

  8. Enjoy!

Bacon and Egg Tray Pastry

Bacon and Egg Tray Pastry

Blackberry Crumble Slices

Blackberry Crumble Slices