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Bacon and Egg Tray Pastry

Bacon and Egg Tray Pastry

What’s your favourite dish for lunch? Do you go for the classic sandwich, or do you like to experiment? We always love to experiment with our lunches, there’s always something new to try! Otherwise it’s so easy to get into a rut and just be stuck with the same old boring meal all day everyday - so it’s time to get excited for lunch! Treat yourself every now and then - why not have a slice of our delicious bacon and egg pastry? You deserve it!



1 sheet ready to use puff pastry

1 egg lightly beaten, for the egg wash

4 tbsp Greek plain yoghurt

4 rashers smoked back bacon - chopped into small cubes

1 clove of garlic - minced 

6 medium eggs

70g cheddar cheese - grated 

1 tbsp chopped parsley  - garnish 

A little milk to stick the pastry edge

Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Unroll the sheet of pastry and place on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.

  2. Cut a strip, roughly about the width of a finger, off of the pastry all the way around the sheet. 

  3. Brush the milk along the outside of the main sheet of pastry, and then lay the strips on top to create a raised edge.

  4. Prick the centre of the pastry with a fork. 

  5. Mix the yoghurt, grated cheese and minced garlic together and then season with salt and pepper to taste. Spread the cheese mix all the way over the pastry sheet, making sure you get all the way to the edge.

  6. Using the back of a tablespoon, make six evenly placed wells for the eggs.

  7. Place in the fridge for 15 minutes to cool. 

  8. Preheat the oven to 200°c, and when the pastry has chilled, place it into the oven for 15 minutes. 

  9. While the pastry is cooking, fry the bacon pieces until just cooked and set aside.

  10. Take the pastry out of the oven and pierce any air bubbles that have formed. Press the pastry indent that you created for the eggs with the back of a spoon to make sure they are all flat.

  11. Crack an egg into each of the wells, then sprinkle the bacon evenly over the pastry and place back into the oven for a further 7 - 8 minutes or until the egg is cooked. 

  12. Garnish with chopped parsley and additional salt and pepper to taste. 

Mushroom Tostadas

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Broccoli and Cheese Stuffed Chicken Parcels

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