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Ham and Cheese Brunch Wraps

Ham and Cheese Brunch Wraps

These tasty little not-quite-quesadillas wraps are just the most delicious spin on brunch! Inspired by the Taco Bell Crunch Wrap (find our copycat recipe here!) which were such a hit in the house that we just couldn’t let the idea go. The way of wrapping and grilling the tortillas makes these beautiful pockets of cheesy goodness that won’t ever go amiss.



8 10” flour tortilla wraps 

1 ball mozzarella cheese

150g grated cheddar

200g cooked ham, thinly sliced and chopped

8 tsp English mustard

8 tbsp mayo

black pepper to taste


  1. Begin by mixing the mustard and mayo together in a bowl, then divide this mixture equally between each of the tortillas and spread over the centre.

  2. Place the ham and cheeses equally in the centre of each tortilla, on top of the sauce mix. 

  3. To fold the quesadillas, fold the top of the tortilla down over the filling and into the centre. Holding that piece down and working clockwise, continue folding the rest of the tortilla towards the middle until the filling is completely covered. Carefully flip the quesadilla over and repeat with the remaining tortillas.

  4. Place the quesadillas, folded-side down, on a preheated pan or griddle, we usually fit two at a time in the pan. Cook until browned, roughly 3 to 4 minutes on each side.

  5. Repeat as needed until all the quesadillas are cooked, and enjoy!

Belgian Buns

Belgian Buns

Raspberry and White Chocolate Rolls

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