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Raspberry and White Chocolate Rolls

Raspberry and White Chocolate Rolls

Cinnamon rolls are all well and good (way more than good, let’s be real!), but we’re welcoming the summer in with this raspberry and white chocolate version! These rolls are chock full of raspberries and white chocolate, topped with a delicious cream cheese icing and sprinkled with flaked almonds - absolutely delightful!



240 ml milk - warmed to body temperature 

2 ½ tsp dried yeast

56 grams butter, melted

1 large egg - beaten

50 grams sugar

1 teaspoon salt

420 grams plain flour flour

60g fresh raspberries 

2 tbsp cornflour

1 tbsp sugar

80 - 100g white chocolate buttons


3 tbsp cream cheese

2 tbsp butter - melted 

5 tbsp icing sugar

Flaked almonds to scatter on the top - if desired


  1. Place lukewarm milk, melted butter, yeast and sugar in a jug and set aside for 5 minutes so the yeast can activate.

  2. Once the mixture is frothy, add the egg and mix well. Using a large bowl or table top food mixer, combine the flour, salt, and the yeast liquid and mix into a dough.

  3. Knead by hand for 8 minutes (or by machine with a dough hook for 5 minutes) until the dough is smooth and stretchy. 

  4. Cover with cling film and leave to prove for an hour, or until doubled in size. 

  5. When it has risen, tip it onto a floured worktop and gently roll to a rectangle measuring about 15x20in

  6. Gently mix the raspberries, cornflour and sugar together and sprinkle evenly over the rolled out dough then sprinkle the chocolate buttons on top. 

  7. Roll the dough into a log shape lengthwise, then cut into 12 equally sized slices. Place evenly onto a 9x13in lined baking tray, so that there is a small gap between each piece. Cover loosely and leave to rise again - 30 to 40 minutes. 

  8. Heat oven to 190°c and bake the rolls for 20 - 25 minutes, then take them out and leave them to cool.


  1. Mix the cream cheese and softened butter together, and then gradually mix in the icing sugar until completely combined.

  2. Spread the icing evenly over the cooled rolls and sprinkle over flaked almonds, if desired!


Ham and Cheese Brunch Wraps

Ham and Cheese Brunch Wraps

Mexican Green Rice

Mexican Green Rice