

Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find most of our recipes featured on our instagram. Hope you have a nice stay!

Cheese and Bacon Rolls

Cheese and Bacon Rolls

These beautifully soft bread rolls are a must for summer picnics and barbeques - topped with copious amounts of cheese and bacon, they’re perfect to go with just about anything! Some of my favourite childhood memories involved car picnics, where we’d pack a lot of picnic bits and drive around until we found a little tucked-away field or track where we could set up and munch on bread rolls, cold meats, chutneys and salads - such a delicious excuse for a drive!



500g strong white bread flour

1 tsp salt

50g sugar

50g butter - melted

12g active dried yeast

300ml milk - warmed milk

5-6 rashers smoked back bacon

1 tsp vegetable oil 

1 ball (225g) mozzarella cheese - grated  

160g cheddar cheese grated 

A little flour for dusting


  1. Slightly warm the milk (tepid) and add the dried yeast and sugar - mix well and set aside until it starts to work (foam) Mix the flour, salt and melted butter at a slow speed using a table top mixer or by hand. 

  2. Add the milk/yeast mix and continue to mix for 5 minutes or if making by hand knead for 5 minutes. 

  3. Place dough into a lightly oiled bowl and cover with cling film - leave to rise for about an hour until doubled in size. 

  4. Meanwhile chop the bacon into small squares  - heat oil in a pan and fry bacon until cooked, set aside.

  5. When the dough has doubled in size tip out onto a floured surface and divide into 16 equal pieces. Shape each piece into a round ball and place on a parchment lined baking tray, set the buns out in four rows of four making sure that there is only a small space between each bun so that when they have their second rise they will be touching. 

  6. Leave to rise in a warm place for 40 minutes. Heat the oven to 180C 

  7. Sprinkle the bacon pieces over each bun then top evenly with the cheeses. 

  8. Bake for 20  - 25 minutes

Pumpkin Spiced Cake

Pumpkin Spiced Cake

Apple, Cinnamon and Salted Caramel Rolls

Apple, Cinnamon and Salted Caramel Rolls