

Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find most of our recipes featured on our instagram. Hope you have a nice stay!

Apple, Cinnamon and Salted Caramel Rolls

Apple, Cinnamon and Salted Caramel Rolls

Chicken wiiiinnngss



450g strong bread flour

7g dried active yeast 

150ml milk - warmed

50g butter - melted 

50g sugar

2 medium eggs - beaten 


2 eating apples - chopped into small cubes 

1 tbsp cornflour

50g butter melted 

60g light brown sugar

2 tsp cinnamon 

Caramel sauce

200g light brown sugar 

4 tbsp butter

140ml double cream

1 tsp vanilla essence 

Chopped/grated white chocolate pieces


  1. Make the buns by placing all of the ingredients in the bowl of a table top mixer - using a dough hook attachment and mix for 5 minutes until you have a smooth-soft dough. Place in a lightly oiled bowl, cover with cling film or a tea towel and leave to double in size (approximately 1 hour). 

  2. When doubled in size tip the dough onto a lightly floured surface and gently knock back. Roll out the dough into a rectangle measuring 45 x 30 cm. 

  3. Make the filling by melting the butter then mixing in the sugar and cinnamon - spread the butter mix evenly over the top of the rolled out dough. Mix the chopped apple with the cornflour then sprinkle evenly on top of the butter mix. 

  4. Starting with the long side roll the dough into a long log shape - pinch the edge to seal. 

  5. Slice the log into 10 equal slices and place the slices onto a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper (leave space between each slice to allow for spreading) Cover with cling film and leave to prove for 25-30 mins then bake in a preheated oven (180C) for 12 to 15 mins - till golden - leave to cool. 

Caramel sauce

  1. Place all the ingredients into a small saucepan and gently heat over a low heat until thickened (5 - 8 mins) Leave to cool slightly. 

  2. Drizzle the caramel sauce over the buns and sprinkle with chopped white chocolate pieces.

Cheese and Bacon Rolls

Cheese and Bacon Rolls

Homemade Ricotta Cheese

Homemade Ricotta Cheese