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Chinese Style Crab and Sweetcorn Soup

Chinese Style Crab and Sweetcorn Soup

This is one of our favourite Chinese dishes, a beautifully thick soup full of unique flavours that you need to taste to believe! The shredded crab, the bursts of sweetcorn, the peppery sweet broth all combine to make this one of the tastiest soups. The glutinous texture is so comforting and warming that you’ll definitely be going back for more.



200g of tinned or frozen sweetcorn (defrosted)

6 tablespoons cornflour 

1 thumb sized piece of fresh ginger finely chopped

2 tablespoons light soy sauce

2 tablespoons fish sauce

2 tablespoons rice wine 

2 spring onions finely chopped 

1 egg white

8 - 10 crab sticks

Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 

1 ½ ltrs boiling water

2 chicken stock pots


  1. Boil water and chicken stock pots in a large saucepan - cook on a medium heat until the stock pots are melted. 

  2. Add sweetcorn and cook for a further 3 minutes

  3. Mix the cornflour to a smooth paste with a little cold water, then stir into the soup - simmer over a medium heat for 2 mins.

  4. Add ginger, spring onions, soy sauce, rice wine, salt and pepper - simmer for 2 mins

  5. Shred crab sticks into strings - add to the soup, simmer for 1 minute

  6. Lightly beat egg white and trickle into the soup, so that it forms long thin threads. Simmer for a few seconds, then serve and enjoy!

Vegetable Chow Mein

Vegetable Chow Mein

Pan Fried Cod with Tomato and Basil

Pan Fried Cod with Tomato and Basil