

Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find most of our recipes featured on our instagram. Hope you have a nice stay!

Vegetable Chow Mein

Vegetable Chow Mein

This dish is always a must whenever we order a takeaway - we always love to chop and change and try new things when it comes to our Chinese food, but there’s some dishes that are timeless for a reason! We’re a big family and we all have our favourite dishes, but no one can say no to a chow mein. They’re so versatile and can be made to any preference. This recipe is very mild and chock full of delicious vegetables, but why not experiment and add in your favourite toppings? Make sure to tell us what you enjoy most on your chow mein, we’d love to hear it!



500 grams noodles - we used dried

2 medium carrots, julienned

1 red pepper,  julienned

4 mushrooms thinly sliced

3 spring onions finely chopped

1 onion cut in half and thinly sliced

5 garlic cloves finely chopped

3 tbsp dark soy sauce

1 tbsp rice vinegar

½ teaspoon Chinese 5 spice powder

½ teaspoon black pepper

Salt to taste

2 tbsp cooking oil


  1. Boil the noodles as per instructions given on the packet. 

  2. In a bowl mix all the sauces, vinegar, Chinese 5 spice,  pepper, and salt. Set aside

  3. Heat oil in a large wok or pan. Add garlic and cook for a few seconds - be careful not to burn them

  4. Add the sliced onion and stir fry until it becomes translucent, and then add all the remaining vegetables and half of the spring onions. Stir fry until the vegetables are cooked, but still have a crunch

  5. Add the sauce mixture, mix and stir fry for a few seconds before adding the noodles. Stir fry for another 2 minutes, tossing continuously until everything is mixed together

  6. Garnish with the rest of the spring onions and serve!

Creamy Butter Chicken Curry

Creamy Butter Chicken Curry

Chinese Style Crab and Sweetcorn Soup

Chinese Style Crab and Sweetcorn Soup