

Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find most of our recipes featured on our instagram. Hope you have a nice stay!

Crispy Oat-Crusted Chicken Thighs

Crispy Oat-Crusted Chicken Thighs

These delicious chicken thighs are so moist and juicy that you won’t believe just how crispy they are too! This is a recipe we’ve been using for years now - one of the best meals we could come home to after school. We’ve been tweaking and changing it over time, perfecting it into this recipe. We hope you enjoy it!



6 - 8 boned chicken thighs

1 egg

3 tbsp plain flour

80g porridge oats

1 tsp salt 

1 tsp ground black pepper

1 tbsp garlic granules

½ tsp thyme

½ tsp ground coriander 

5 tbsp vegetable oil


  1. Beat the egg in a shallow bowl and put to one side

  2. Sift the flour into another shallow bowl and then season with half the salt and pepper.

  3. In a third bowl, mix the oats with the remaining salt and pepper, thyme, garlic and coriander.

  4. First coat the chicken in the flour, then coat in the beaten egg and finally roll it in the seasoned oats and place on a plate. 

  5. Heat the oven to 200°c

  6. Heat oil in a heavy frying pan or skillet pan. Gently fry the chicken for 6 minutes - turning during cooking to get an even golden colour. Once finished, place on a baking tray. 

  7. Put the chicken into the oven and cook for 25-30 minutes - check after 25 minutes to ensure that it does not burn.

Enjoy! Don’t forget to leave a comment down below!

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