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Pork Tenderloin Wellington

Pork Tenderloin Wellington

Sunday is a day for gravy - whether you’re enjoying a roast dinner, a hearty pie, or this delicious pork tenderloin wellington, it has to be on Sunday and it has to be covered in gravy. There’s just something so comforting about a hot dinner drenched in gravy - especially when there’s pastry involved!

The bite of the crisp, flaky pastry followed by the hint of sweetness from the pork and apple makes this the perfect Sunday dinner.



1 pork tenderloin approximately 500g

2 handfuls of spinach

1 onion chopped

2 cloves of garlic - minced

3 tbsp apple sauce

1 tsp thyme

500g sausage meat 

1 packet of puff pastry

1 tbsp oil

salt and pepper to taste 

1 egg for the wash

1 tsp sea salt flakes


  1. Preheat the oven to 200°c

  2. Heat oil in a large skillet pan or frying pan - add onion and garlic and saute until they are soft, but not brown - about 5 mins.

  3. Add the spinach and cook for 2 minutes, then add the apple sauce and thyme, mix well and remove from heat and let cool.

  4. Cut through the pork tenderloin lengthwise, but be careful not to cut all the way through. Open up the pork like a book and flatten each side until it’s about ¼-inch thick. 

  5. Spread the cooled spinach mix over the pork and sprinkle over salt and pepper to taste. 

  6. Roll out the puff pastry so that it is big enough to wrap up the pork - approximately 40cm x 30cm, depending on the size of your tenderloin. Spread the sausage meat evenly over the pastry, starting in the middle and continuing towards the edge. Make sure to leave a thumb-length edge all the way around the pastry. Brush the edge with a beaten egg. 

  7. Roll the tenderloin back together, and then place in the middle of the sausage meat covered pastry. Bring up each long side of the pastry to meet in the middle and overlap at the top, then fold in the ends to seal the tenderloin package.

  8. Place on a greased baking tray so that the  overlapped top is now on the bottom -  brush with egg wash and decorate with any left over pastry if desired.

  9. Sprinkle sea salt flakes on the top and place in the preheated oven and cook for 40 - 45 minutes till golden brown. 

  10. Let rest for 5 minutes before slicing and serving. 

Crispy Oat-Crusted Chicken Thighs

Crispy Oat-Crusted Chicken Thighs

Fruit Scones

Fruit Scones