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Goat's Cheese, Red Onion and Bacon Quiche

Goat's Cheese, Red Onion and Bacon Quiche

One of our all year round versatile favourites is the quiche Lorraine - filled with everything delicious that you could want, it deserves a place on everyone’s table! We have at least one on every big holiday; from the mini quiches at Christmas, to the cold summer quiche served with a pear and walnut salad in the sun, they really are a recipe everyone should have in their books.

This version is our take on the classic, topped with goat’s cheese and loaded with bacon for that extra decadence!




300g plain flour

150g butter

Pinch of salt

150ml cold water from the fridge


25g butter

2 large red onions

2 tbsp brown sugar

2 tbsp balsamic vinegar

½ tsp thyme

5 eggs

300ml double cream

5 thin slices of goats cheese

2 garlic cloves - crushed

200g bacon - chopped and cooked 

salt and pepper



  1. Place flour in a large bowl, chop butter into small pieces and add to flour. Rub fat into flour between fingertips until mix resembles fine breadcrumbs, add salt. Add 100ml of the cold water and using a knife cut the mix to combine the water and flour mix. 

  2. Gradually add small amounts of water until the pastry comes together into a ball. Cover and place in the fridge for 30 minutes to rest. 

  3. When rested roll pastry to fit a greased flan dish push pastry into sides and trim excess pastry. 

  4. Prick the bottom with a fork and chill in the fridge for ten minutes. Place a sheet of crumpled baking parchment on top of the pastry and cover with baking beans. 

  5. Place in a preheated oven 200C. Bake blind for 10 minutes then remove paper and bake for a further 5 minutes. Leave to cool.


  1. Melt butter in a skillet pan, add sliced onions and cook on a medium heat for 5 minutes. Add sugar and stir until completely dissolved, add balsamic vinegar and thyme stir and cook for 2 minutes - set aside. 

  2. In a jug mix eggs, garlic, salt and pepper and double cream until thoroughly combined. 

  3. Spread the caramelized onions evenly over the base of the quiche case then add the cooked chopped bacon. Carefully pour the egg mix into the case then arrange the goats cheese slices on top. Place in the centre of the oven at 200C and cook for 25 to 30 minutes until the egg is set.

  4. Rest for 5 minutes then slice and serve!

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