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Mumbai Sandwich

Mumbai Sandwich

I don’t know about you, but when thinking about curry sandwiches in the UK, my thoughts always turn to coronation chicken - and while coronation chicken will always have a place in my heart, after having tried the Mumbai sandwich, it’ll be difficult to go back! We’ve never been to Mumbai, but we heard that this was one of the best sandwiches you’ll ever eat - and it absolutely doesn’t disappoint. Beautifully vibrant, with a hint of spiciness, this sandwich has to be eaten to be believed!



  1. Begin by making the chutney. It makes so much difference if this is made fresh, but it can be made in advance. Combine all of the ingredients into a blender and blitz together until fully combined. Transfer to a bowl and set aside.

  2. Butter both sides of the bread, and spread over a generous amount of the chutney on both pieces

  3. Layer the cucumber on one slice of bread, and sprinkle evenly with a couple of pinches of the garam masala. Repeat this with a layer of tomato, garam masala, cheese, garam masala, and finally the red onion.

  4. Top with the second slice of bread and either toast in a sandwich toaster, or fry in a pan with something heavy on top (like another pan), until both sides are golden brown.


Green Chutney

Mint leaves, 1 small handful

Coriander leaves, 1 large handful

Green chillies, 1–2, with or without seeds depending on the heat of the chillies

Ginger, 1cm piece, peeled

Lemon juice


Sandwich Filling

2 slices of white bread

Cheddar cheese, sliced

¼ Cucumber, thinly sliced

1 Red onion, sliced


Garam Masala

Perfectly Crisp Panko Fried Chicken Wings

Perfectly Crisp Panko Fried Chicken Wings

Mary Berry's Apple and Cinnamon Cake

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