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Mary Berry's Apple and Cinnamon Cake

Mary Berry's Apple and Cinnamon Cake

This recipe was inspired by and modified from Mary Berry’s Apple and Cinnamon cake. You can find it in Mary Berry’s Baking Bible! It’s such a wonderful cake, very autumnal and warming. Perfect for the days that are getting colder and shorter! The ingenious part about this cake is that the grated apple is evenly spread in the middle of the cake, rather than mixed throughout, which results in such a beautifully moist slice that packs a huge punch of sweet, tart flavour!



  1. Preheat the oven to 180c/Fan 160c. Grease and base line a 9 inch (23 cm) deep round cake tin with baking parchment.

  2. Measure the butter, sugar, eggs, chopped walnuts, sultanas, flour and baking powder into a large bowl and beat well for about 2 minutes until thoroughly combined.

  3. Spoon half the mixture into the prepared tin and then spread the grated apple and ground cinnamon in an even layer on top. Spread the remaining cake mixture on top, level the surface then sprinkle generously with light muscovado sugar and walnuts.

  4. Bake in the pre-heated oven for about 1 ¼ – 1 ½ hours or until the cake is well risen and golden brown. Leave to cook in the tin for a few minutes then turn out, peel off the parchment and finish cooling on a wire rack.


225g softened butter

225g light muscovado sugar

3 large eggs

100g walnut pieces, chopped

100g sultanas

225g self-raising flour

2 level tsp baking powder

400g cooking apples, peeled, cored and grated

1 level tsp ground cinnamon

To Finish

light muscovado sugar, for sprinkling

extra chopped walnuts, for sprinkling

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