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Naan Bread

Naan Bread

The last bite is always the best when we have our curry nights. It might seem a bit strange that it’s not the first, or it’s not when you get a perfect mouthful of your favourite curry - but the last bite is definitely the best. Mopping up all of the dregs with your last corner of the naan bread because it’s so good you can’t let anything go to waste - even though you’re fit to bursting and can barely manage another mouthful, you just can’t help yourself. It’s perfect. Especially when it’s a delightfully chewy, soft and fresh naan bread - you just can’t beat it!



200 ml warm water 

2 tsp dried active yeast 

1 ½ tsp sugar 

450 g strong white bread flour 

1tsp salt

7 tbsp natural yoghurt 

3 tbsp melted butter

1 ½ tsp black onion seeds 

Oil to cook 

Melted butter to brush


  1. Mix the yeast and sugar with the warm water and leave for 5 minutes until it activates and becomes frothy. 

  2. Put the flour and salt in a large bowl and add the yeast mixture, yoghurt and butter. Mix well until you have a soft, sticky dough - the mix should not be dry but should come together in a soft dough ball (add more flour if needed).

  3. Knead dough for 5-8 minutes. Place in a lightly oiled bowl, cover with a tea towel and leave to prove for 1 ½ to 2 hours - or until doubled in size. This can be done overnight in the fridge. 

  4. Tip the dough onto a lightly floured surface and gently knock back. Divide it into 8 balls, shape each ball into a large teardrop using a rolling pin and stretching by hand. 

  5. Heat a large non-stick pan or griddle. When hot, place a naan in the pan and when it starts to bubble, turn the naan over and cook the other side (it will be cooked when no doughy bits can be seen). 

  6. Brush each naan with melted butter and sprinkle with black onion seeds.

Mango and Strawberry Muffins

Mango and Strawberry Muffins

Chicken Filo Pie

Chicken Filo Pie