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Mango and Strawberry Muffins

Mango and Strawberry Muffins

There’s always something satisfying about using up all of the little bits in your fridge that need to be used - especially when it’s fruit, I just can’t bear to throw fruit out. We had a few bits of mango hanging around and some of the last strawberries off of the plant which looked a bit squishy, so we thought we’d make them into a sweet little treat for everyone! Topped with some cream cheese frosting and sprinkled with toasted desiccated coconut, they were just delightful!



225g flour

150g sugar

½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda

1 tablespoon baking powder

175 ml milk

1 tsp white vinegar

1 egg

75g sunflower oil

1 tsp vanilla essence

½ teaspoon cinnamon 

150g strawberries - chopped 

100g mango - chopped 

Demerara sugar to sprinkle on top


  1. Stir the vinegar in with the milk and set aside for 15 minutes.

  2. In a large bowl, mix the flour, sugar, bicarbonate of soda, cinnamon and baking powder until combined. 

  3. Add the egg to the milk mixture and stir thoroughly. Next, add the oil and vanilla and mix well. 

  4. Add the chopped fruits to the flour mix and gently fold in so all of the fruit is covered with the flour mix. Add the liquids to the flour mix until they’re just combined (do not over mix).

  5. Put 12 muffin cases in a baking tray and divide the mix between the 12 cases .

  6. Sprinkle the demerara sugar on top of each muffin and then cook in a preheated oven at 200°c for 15 minutes. Test them by inserting a cocktail stick into the middle, if it comes out clean then your muffins are ready!

  7. Leave to cool

  8. (Optional) We topped our muffins with a cream cheese frosting and toasted desiccated coconut, but they taste great plain too!

Homemade Ricotta Cheese

Homemade Ricotta Cheese

Naan Bread

Naan Bread