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Traditional Greek Briam

Traditional Greek Briam

This traditional Greek Briam is much like a roasted vegetable casserole, but filled with those delicious herbs and flavours you can expect from Greek cooking. Chock full of veggies, this makes a delicious meal! It’s such a fresh, tasty dish with plenty of rosemary, oregano, thyme and garlic - and when topped with that delicious, creamy Feta cheese, there’s nothing better!

The Feta cheese is optional, so this dish can easily be made vegan - or use a vegan alternative!



4 - 5 small potatoes, approximately 600g - thinly sliced into ⅛ thick circles

3 courgettes, approximately 600g - thinly sliced into ¼ thick circles

1 large red onion thinly sliced 

2 tbsp olive oil

2 x 400g tinned chopped tomatoes 

3 cloves minced garlic

1 tsp rosemary

1 tsp thyme

2 tsp oregano 

Salt and pepper 

A handful of crumbled Feta cheese to serve


  1. Heat oven 200°c

  2. Season the potatoes and courgettes in a large bowl with salt, pepper, rosemary, thyme, garlic and olive oil. Toss the mix with your hands to make sure all of the vegetables are covered in the oil and herb mix. 

  3. Pour half of the tomatoes into an 11”-12” ovenproof dish or skillet pan and spread evenly.

  4. Arrange the potatoes and courgette pieces standing up in rows, keep alternating the different pieces and packing them in tightly until the dish is full. Check the photo below to see how it’s arranged! Place the circles of red onion between the vegetables.

  5. Pour any remaining oil over the vegetables, then pour the remaining tomatoes evenly over the top of the vegetables. 

  6. Loosely cover with foil, so that any steam can escape and place the dish into the oven to cook for 45 minutes. Remove the foil and return to the oven for a further 20 - 30 minutes until the veg is soft and most of the liquid has disappeared.

  7. Serve with a sprinkling of crumbled Feta cheese.

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Bacon and Asparagus Pastries

Bacon and Asparagus Pastries

Salmon Parcels

Salmon Parcels