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Bacon and Asparagus Pastries

Bacon and Asparagus Pastries

Is there a better pairing than bacon and asparagus? Whether they’re wrapped together, or topped on these delicious pastry squares, they’re definitely the perfect partners. The crisp, flaky pastry is topped with fresh asparagus and smoky bacon on a base of cream cheese - the perfect brunch dish!



320g ready to use puff pastry

180g cream cheese

1 clove of garlic - minced

1 tbsp butter

12 spears of asparagus

6 rashers of back bacon

salt and cracked Pepper to taste

1 beaten egg


  1. Remove any rind from bacon, then cut the thin end of the rasher from the wider end. Divide the wider piece of bacon into two strips lengthwise and set aside. Chop the thin end of the bacon into small pieces and set aside. 

  2. Melt the butter in a pan with the minced garlic and bacon and gently cook for a minute. Prepare the asparagus by bending each stalk so it snaps easily - discard the woody ends (not the tips). 

  3. Add the asparagus to the butter and garlic and continue to cook for 3 minutes. Season with salt and pepper and leave to cool. 

  4. Preheat the oven to 200°c

  5. Unroll the pastry and cut in half lengthwise, and then cut each half into three equal pieces, so you will be left with six squares.

  6. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Score each pastry 1cm in from the edge all the way around the square. Brush the outside square edges with the beaten egg wash. 

  7. Divide the cream cheese between each square and carefully spread it evenly so that it covers the inside, but keeps the washed edges clear.

  8. Place the two reserved strips of bacon on top of the cream cheese, then place the cooled asparagus on top of the bacon. Spoon any of the garlic butter and chopped bacon bits left in the pan on top of the asparagus. 

  9. Place in the preheated oven and cook for 20 - 25 minutes, until the pastry is golden and crispy. 

Mexican Green Rice

Mexican Green Rice

Traditional Greek Briam

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