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Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin

Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin

Pork and apple are so intrinsically linked that it’s almost unheard of to have pork without it - the tart sweetness o the apples really helps to cut through the salty, savoury pork flavours. We stuffed this tenderloin with apples, mushrooms and spinach to bring out the beautifully sweet flavours of both the pork and the apple. When combined with the cinnamon sweet apple and red cabbage, and drenched in the apple gravy, you have a dinner that is just out of this world!


Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin


2 x pork tenderloins approximately 1 KG

300g button mushrooms 

1 small onion 

2 handfuls of fresh spinach

2 Jazz apples - grated 

1 clove garlic

2 tbsp olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste 

8 rashers smoked back bacon


  1. Place the mushrooms, onion and garlic in a food processor and blitz until very finely chopped. 

  2. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and fry the mushroom mixture for 3-4 minutes, until soft. Add the grated apple and salt and pepper to taste - mix well and then leave to cool. 

  3. Butterfly the pork tenderloins by cutting the pork down the centre, without completely cutting through, so when you open the two halves they resemble a butterfly.

  4. Flatten each one slightly and then place next to each other to create one long prepared tenderloin. 

  5. When the stuffing mix is cold, spread it evenly over the tenderloin. Roll the tenderloin while holding on to the long size so that you have a long log. 

  6. Wrap the bacon around the whole of the tenderloin, making sure it overlaps slightly to allow for the shrinkage as it cooks.

  7. Place on a baking tray and cook in a preheated oven at 200°c for 30 minutes, until cooked.

  8. Remove from the oven and let rest for 10-15 minutes.



Spiced Jazz Apple and Red Cabbage


  1. Place the cabbage, grated apple, apple juice, salt and spices in a saucepan.

  2. Bring to the boil and then reduce to a simmer.

  3. Add the sugar and stir well. Continue to simmer on a low heat for 20-30 minutes (there should be very little liquid left by the end).

  4. Add the balsamic vinegar and salt and pepper to taste and you’re ready to serve!


1 red cabbage - coarsely grated (we use a food processor) or thinly sliced

300ml apple juice

2 Jazz apples - grated

½ tsp 5 spice

½ tsp cinnamon

2 tbsp dark brown sugar

2 tbsp balsamic vinegar

Salt and pepper to taste.


Jazz Apple Gravy


Place the cider, grated apple, garlic and chicken stock in a saucepan.

Bring to a simmer and add any juices from the pork tenderloin.

Mix the cornflour with a little cold water to make a watery paste. Add this to the gravy and continue to cook for a further 3-4 minutes, while stirring continuously to prevent lumps.

Add the butter and salt and pepper and cook gently for a further 2 minutes.


1 Jazz apple - grated 

1 can apple cider

1 clove garlic crushed

500ml chicken stock 

Juices from the pork tenderloin

2 tbsp butter

2 tbsp cornflour

Salt and pepper to taste

Mexican Chicken Wings with a Spicy Creamed Corn Dip

Mexican Chicken Wings with a Spicy Creamed Corn Dip

Mushroom Tostadas

Mushroom Tostadas