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Mushroom Tostadas

Mushroom Tostadas

This was our first time with this Mexican dish, and it was just plain delicious! Tostada literally means “toasted” in Spanish, which is where the name comes from - the tortilla, the base of the dish, is either toasted or (in this case!) fried. The crispy crunch of the base contrasts so well with the smooth refried beans spread on top - and the mushrooms piled high add such a delightful hint of heat! You’ll not want to miss out on this dish!



Mexican Mushrooms

Mushrooms- sliced

1 onion - thinly sliced

1 red pepper - thinly sliced

2 cloves garlic - minced

2 tomatoes - seeded and finely chopped

3 tsp chipotle paste

3 tbsp vegetable oil 

1 tsp smoked paprika

1 tsp dried oregano 

2 tbsp tomato puree

Salt and pepper to taste

Handful fresh coriander


4 tortillas 

Oil for frying


1 tin refried beans

8 tbsp Mexican creamed corn

Sour cream and avocado slices to serve


Mexican Mushrooms

  1. Heat the vegetable oil in a pan, and then add the sliced onion and garlic. Cook these for 3 minutes until soft and translucent, add garlic and cook for a further minute. 

  2. Add the mushrooms, tomatoes and peppers and cook for 5-6 minutes while stirring occasionally.

  3. Add the oregano, smoked paprika, chipotle paste and tomato puree and cook for a further 2-3 minutes. Season to taste - if the mix is a little dry add 2 -3 tbsp water to loosen.

  4. Sprinkle in chopped coriander. 


  1. Dry the tortillas by placing them directly on a shelf in the oven at 200°c for 10 minutes.

  2. Heat approx half an inch of oil in a large frying pan, until it is sizzling hot.

  3. Fry the tortillas one at a time for about half a minute on each side - the tortilla should puff up as soon as it hits the oil - if this doesn’t happen, then the oil may need heating a little more. Make sure to use tongs to pull the tortilla in and out of the pan, as they will be very hot.

  4. Drain on kitchen paper as they are cooked. 


  1. Heat the refried beans in a saucepan or in the microwave. 

  2. Spread 2 tbsp of refried beans onto each crisp tostada, then divide the mushrooms between them.

  3. We added Mexican creamed corn next, along with a squirt of sour cream and some avocado slices.

Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin

Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin

Bacon and Egg Tray Pastry

Bacon and Egg Tray Pastry