

Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find most of our recipes featured on our instagram. Hope you have a nice stay!

Homemade Ricotta Cheese

Homemade Ricotta Cheese

We’ve been using a lot of ricotta in our cooking lately (it’s absolutely one of our favourite cheeses!) so we thought it would be a fun idea to make our own! Whether it’s the taste of accomplishment because you’ve made something with your own hands, or because cheese is just like that - it tastes so flavourful and tangy that you’ll be reaching for more!



1.9 litres whole milk  

80 ml white vinegar

1 tsp salt


  1. Gradually warm the milk - the milk will start to steam and foam but take care to remove it from the heat just before it boils. 

  2. Add the white vinegar and salt - stir gently to combine. Let sit for 10 minutes - do not disturb it at this point. After 10 minutes if there is still unseparated milk you can add another tablespoon of vinegar and leave for another 10 minutes. 

  3. Strain the curds from the whey through a cheesecloth or very fine mesh. 

  4. Place in an airtight container and refrigerate till needed - your ricotta cheese can be kept in the fridge for up to a week. 

Tip - you can use the leftover whey in smoothies, baking or in sauces.

Apple, Cinnamon and Salted Caramel Rolls

Apple, Cinnamon and Salted Caramel Rolls

Mango and Strawberry Muffins

Mango and Strawberry Muffins