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Mexican Green Rice

Mexican Green Rice

Rice is one of our favourite staples here - it’s so versatile! It can be eaten with just about anything or on it’s own - a different set of spices or herbs and you have a completely new dish! We love rice in all it’s forms, and were so excited to try this green rice. Full of fresh and vibrant spinach and coriander, this will make an excellent addition to any Mexican dish!

We served ours with fajitas, elote and salsa verde!



4 tbsp vegetable oil 

360g long grain rice 

1 chicken stock pot 

500ml water 

3 handfuls of spinach

40g fresh coriander 

1 small onion roughly chopped 

2 cloves of garlic

½ tsp chilli powder

1 tbsp butter

salt to taste


  1. Place the spinach and coriander, onion and garlic in a food processor with 100ml of the water and blitz until smooth. 

  2. Dissolve the chicken stock pot in the remaining water and then add the chilli powder. 

  3. Heat the oil in a large saucepan along with the rice until the rice starts to turn a light brown. Add the water and stock mix, then add the spinach puree.

  4. Mix well, cover and cook until the rice is soft - about 15 mins, adding more water if necessary. 

  5. When the rice is cooked turn the heat off and add the butter and salt to taste, put the lid back on the pan and leave for 1 minute. Fluff up the rice with the fork and serve.

Raspberry and White Chocolate Rolls

Raspberry and White Chocolate Rolls

Bacon and Asparagus Pastries

Bacon and Asparagus Pastries