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Super Cheesy Frittata

Super Cheesy Frittata

Have you ever tried frittata before? They’re so tasty, the eggs are so fluffy, and it’s full of everything delicious! It’s completely versatile, much like an omelette or a Spanish tortilla, so you can add anything and everything. If you have a few veggies in the fridge that are starting to wilt, throw them in and let the frittata do the hard work for you. You’ll have everyone begging for more in no time!



1 medium onion finely chopped

2 cloves of garlic crushed

1 red bell pepper, seeded and diced

1 bag spinach

1 cup sweetcorn

salt and pepper

1 tsp mixed herbs

8 large eggs, whisked

½ cup milk

300g grated cheddar cheese

Vegetable oil for frying


1.     Preheat your grill or oven to 180

2.     In a large, oven-proof skillet/pan fry the diced onion and crushed garlic until opaque, stirring so they do not burn, and then add the bell pepper and sweetcorn and cook an additional 4 minutes.

3.     Add the spinach stirring until it begins to wilt. This looks like a lot of spinach, but it will wilt down.

4.     In a separate medium-sized bowl, crack 8 large eggs and add the milk, grated cheese, herbs and salt and pepper to taste. Whisk until combined, then pour the egg mixture into the pan with the veggies.

5.     Stir once to make sure everything is evenly spread among the egg mixture.

6.     Let cook 5 minutes, or until the edges of the frittata start to pull away from the sides of the skillet.

7.     Place under the grill or into the preheated oven for 10 minutes or until completely set and slightly golden.

Succulent Swedish Meatballs

Succulent Swedish Meatballs

Perfectly Crisp Panko Fried Chicken Wings

Perfectly Crisp Panko Fried Chicken Wings