

Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find most of our recipes featured on our instagram. Hope you have a nice stay!

The Too-Many-Easter-Eggs Brownie

The Too-Many-Easter-Eggs Brownie

Too many Easter eggs still lying around? It’s not often, but it happens! We’ve made the absolute best brownie (and you can quote us on that!) full of all those eggs the Easter bunny left. Topped with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream, this brownie is so fudgy, decadent, and rich that you’ll definitely be after a second slice.

Making this at a different time? Eaten all of your Easter eggs? Replace the eggs with a mixture of your favourite chocolates, roughly chopped!



180g margarine

180g chocolate (mixed easter eggs)

270g granulated sugar

3 large eggs 

40g cocoa powder

80g plain flour

Plus a selection of small/mini chocolate eggs left from Easter -  larger ones cut in half or crushed.


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°c

  2. Place the butter and the chocolate into a heatproof bowl and melt in the microwave - check every 30 to 40 seconds and stir, cool

  3. Place eggs and sugar in a large bowl and mix together with an electric whisk until thick, creamy and doubled in size (around 5 minutes).

  4. Add the cooled chocolate and butter mixture and gently stir until combined, then add the flour and cocoa and fold in gently.

  5. Pour into a lined 20cm square tin and bake in the preheated oven for 25 minutes. 

  6. Remove from the oven - the mix will still be soft.

  7. Immediately arrange the cut and crushed eggs over the top of the brownie, pushing slightly into the hot cake. Leave to cool, then cut into squares and serve.

Chinese-Style Chicken Curry Fakeaway

Chinese-Style Chicken Curry Fakeaway

Garlic and Lemon Spatchcock Chicken

Garlic and Lemon Spatchcock Chicken